Federal, state and local officials all laud GC’s state-of-the-art facility
加勒特学院8美元正式开学.526 million STEM Building before a packed house on Saturday morning. 唐莫林, 加勒特学院董事会主席, 在联邦政府的包围下进行剪彩, state and local officials and members of 澳门足球博彩官方网址 administration.
加勒特学院8美元正式开学.5.26亿美元的STEM大楼,得到了联邦政府的好评, state and local officials – before a packed house on Saturday morning.
“今天是加勒特学院激动人心的时刻. The facility is an incredible asset to not only the state of Maryland, 还有整个地区,U说。.S. 马里兰州民主党参议员本·卡丁(Ben Cardin).)的新设施. "Maryland understands the importance of STEM and 澳门足球博彩官方网址's facility plays a critical role in preparing students for careers and jobs in STEM-related fields."
Both senators lauded the nature of the project and cooperation among federal, 国家和地方政府的领导.
U.S. 参议员本·卡丹
U.S. 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦
"Providing 澳门足球博彩官方网址 students and the Garrett County 社区 with the tools and resources to pursue aspirations and dreams was a top-notch priority,U说。.S. 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦(马里兰州民主党).). "澳门足球博彩官方网址 has maintained a strong reputation for being a 'pioneer throughout the state', and this state-of-the-art facility equipped with modern 技术 is no exception."
这个项目, 哪个州和县的资金是平等的, 翻新和扩建工程是否包括教室, 学生空间, 学院办公室和物理实验室, 生物学, 化学, 工程, 和机器人. The first classes took place last Wednesday as the new academic year opened.
The official grand opening ceremonies started in one of the facility's main classrooms. An overflow crowd was also able to view the ceremonies via streaming video in other STEM classrooms, 仪式通过互联网进行了直播.
A building ribbon-cutting was following by a ribbon-cutting ceremony acknowledging the more than a dozen donors whose contributions resulted in named spaces throughout the building.
加勒特学院的STEM大楼正式开放, surrounded by donors and members of 澳门足球博彩官方网址 administration, 代表“为加勒特竞选:实现我们的梦想”. U.S. 参议员本·卡丹和克里斯·范·霍伦也在照片中.
"The Campaign for Garrett: Realizing our Dream" – has already raised more than half of the $500,在周六正式的盛大开幕之前.
Those donors were part of the pre-launch phase of a STEM Fundraising Campaign with a goal of raising $500,000美元用于STEM奖学金和STEM设备基金. Nearly $300,000 has been raised for the campaign, which was only officially launched late last month.
保罗·爱德华兹主席, 代表加勒特县委员会发言, 强调了关注和投资STEM教育的必要性, 不仅仅是在大学阶段, 但是从学前班到十二年级也一样.
"Days like today do not happen without total team effort," observed Edwards. “加勒特学院的这个设施令人惊讶, 这个州最小的大学, 能给我们的学生提供不可思议的机会吗, 社区, 让我们的州接受一流的STEM教育."
Both State Senator George Edwards and State Delegate Wendell Beitzel – who provided critical support in securing state funding – also spoke.
"This is a prime example of all levels of government working together to bring this project to fruition,爱德华兹参议员说。. "It's a great day for 澳门足球博彩官方网址, and we have outstanding faculty and staff to make this work."
Delegate Beitzel recapped the impressive growth and progression of the College and commended those for their dedication and involvement to the STEM facility.
Dr. Richard Midcap, 澳门足球博彩官方网址's president, stressed the cooperative nature of the project.
"This facility was made possible due to the strong commitment of both the state and the county to STEM education,中盘股说. ”与此同时, the generosity of our donors is helping to make STEM education accessible through scholarships while maintaining cutting-edge 技术.
"Having a facility of this type will be transformative for STEM education in Western Maryland,Midcap补充道.
凯利舒尔茨, 马里兰州劳工部长, 发牌及规管, emphasized the economic development potential the new facility makes possible.
"STEM is our number one leading industry across the board" said Schulz. “没有什么比我们的人力资源更重要, which represent a critical component in the development of future careers. Rural areas have to be dedicated to those needs to move forward with the future."
官方仪式结束后, those present were able to take self-guided tours and attend presentations by STEM faculty members. Among the highlights were demonstrations of the Anatomage 3-D virtual dissection table, in which 澳门足球博彩官方网址 is the sole-proprietor in the state of Maryland, made possible in part by a matching grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission. 火箭发射和机器人活动也是人们的最爱.
学院还举办了阿波罗13号的免费展览, which featured STEM-related ingenuity that allowed the astronauts to return home safely after an on-board explosion.
The STEM Building also hosted local robotics teams for the First Tech Challenge (FTC) 2019 worldwide robotics game release.
澳门足球博彩官方网址 will be hosting a state FTC qualifier in January 2019.
U.S. 参议员本·卡丹(左)和美国总统奥巴马.S. 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦 observe a robotics demonstration and learn from Jarrett Miller (middle), G-FORCE 2818 FTC机器人团队成员. 在盛大的开幕式之后, the STEM Building hosted local robotics teams for the First Tech Challenge (FTC) 2019 worldwide robotics game release. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 will be hosting a state FTC qualifier in January 2019.
STEM将于9月8日盛大开幕STEM设施已被设计为一个美国.S. Green Building and will meet Silver qualifications for Leadership in Energy & 环境设计(LEED). This state and locally sponsored project involves renovation of and an addition to the existing 澳门足球博彩官方网址 building (Building 200) on the 麦克亨利 campus.
This new 阻止工厂 will attract students and faculty to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and help raise the level of science, 技术, 我们地区未来劳动力的工程和数学技能. 这座建筑将成为生物学中心, 化学, 地球科学, 电气工程, 工程, 数学, 物理, and Robotics classes and labs as well as STEM faculty offices and 学生空间. This center will facilitate 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s already high success rate for GC students who enter four-year institutions within the 数学 and Science areas.